Tewi Inaba (因幡 てゐ Inaba Tei?, alternate spelling Tei Inaba)
Species: Yōkai rabbit
Ability: Bring fortune to humans
Residence: Eientei
Theme Song: Lord Usa's White Flag (PoFV)
Stage 5 midboss and playable character in Touhou 9. Based upon the "White Hare of Inaba" story of the Kojiki, she evolved into a yōkai from a rabbit due to her longevity. She is the leader of the earthly bunnies of the Eientei, despite her deceitful personality. She is also a lucky charm—humans who get lost in the forest can always depend on her fortune to find their way, though the humans often don't realize they could have used her fortune for greater things. On the scale of luckiness, hers is equivalent to a 40-leaf clover (compared with only a four-leaf clover)